Sometimes it seems like everything gets side tracked. A big bunch of things that clump together into one time blob that won't let you pass.
For me, one of these things is my twitching right thumb. It's been twitching for over a week now, such a long time that its driving me nuts! As it dances along the space bar, jiggling and wiggling to it's own music, I can only hope that it'll stop or, that somehow I'll be able to ignore it, completely. . You are not there, thumb. I do not feel you at all. You are not part of my hand and you will stop with the twitching, damn it. I may attempt painting with my left hand, again. As a kid I was a lefty. But during that era it was common practice to correct this, or "right" the problem. So now I'm mostly right handed. I think my thumb is rebelling.
I haven't been able to paint with this - thumb wiggling problem. If I can find one of my ace bandages my plan is to trap the damn thumb so it won't move, then I might be able to paint.
Besides misplacing the bandage, I've also misplaced my camera. I say "misplaced" in the hopes that it will magically appear somewhere. That magical place where things go when you can't find them. Then they come back when they're good and ready. In the meantime, I've been going through my stuff trying to not look for it so it will not hide from me anymore. This is my new camera, the replacement camera that I got after the last one went through the laundry. When I do find it, I will be able to take pictures of the newer paintings I had finished before my thumb became possessed and upload them to my websites.
On the bright side, my thumb twitch forced me to do other things that I did not want to do. Like deciding to finally order cable service after not having T.V. for a year, and calling FedEx customer service to ask why my 2nd day delivery package will be delivered to me in 7 days. Little tasks like these move up in importance when I can't paint. After 4 hours online in my mission to get cable service, chatting online with 2 different customer service people, I'm finally told via automated message at checkout that "your order could not be processed online. Please call customer service at blah blah blah.. Upon calling customer service, the message is "we are sorry, our office is closed, please try again." I'm going to searching for my ace bandage.
On the bright side, my thumb twitch forced me to do other things that I did not want to do. Like deciding to finally order cable service after not having T.V. for a year, and calling FedEx customer service to ask why my 2nd day delivery package will be delivered to me in 7 days. Little tasks like these move up in importance when I can't paint. After 4 hours online in my mission to get cable service, chatting online with 2 different customer service people, I'm finally told via automated message at checkout that "your order could not be processed online. Please call customer service at blah blah blah.. Upon calling customer service, the message is "we are sorry, our office is closed, please try again." I'm going to searching for my ace bandage.
Now that I have found my bandage, I've trapped my thumb into submission, it is now only semi-possessed. I start to get up to go paint and..
Our poor kitty, Penny, who just got spayed on Thursday has settled on my right arm and my lap, her sad little stitched tummy, and her sweet little head surrounded by the plastic elizabethean collar that she detests so much. asleep and purring. I will not be getting up to paint anytime soon. I'll just finish typing this with my left hand.